Sba has acquired the Springer Materials Database, which also includes the collection of Ebooks in the Landolt-Börnstein series. Outside the Athenaeum network, it can be accessed by proxy service.
The database based, on the Landolt-Börnstein series, also includes the following resources:
- MSI Database: Critically evaluated phase diagram reports of binary and ternary metal systems.
- Linus Pauling Files: Structural data, phase diagram, and physical properties of inorganic solid phase materials.
- Advanced Thermal Analysis System: Thermodynamic properties of polymers.
- Dortmund Databank Separation Technology: Thermophysical properties of organic single components and binary mixtures.
- Adsorption Isotherm Database: Gas adsorption data for various gases and adsorbents.
- Corrosion Database: Corrosion rate data for metals and alloys also covering exposure conditions and environment.
More info HERE.