Springer Materials e Landolt-Börnstein bookshelf

Lo Sba ha acquisito il Database Springer Materials che include anche la collezione degli Ebook della collana Landolt-Börnstein. Fuori dalla rete di Ateneo si accede con il servizio proxy.   
Il database basato, sulla collana Landolt-Börnstein, comprende anche le seguenti risorse: 
• MSI Database: Critically evaluated phase diagrams reports of binary and ternary metal systems. 
• Linus Pauling Files: Structural data, phase diagram and physical properties of inorganic solid phase materials. 
• Advanced Thermal Analysis System: Thermodynamic properties of polymers. 
• Dortmund Databank Separation Technology: Thermophysical properties of organic single components and binary mixtures. 
• Adsorption Isotherm Database: Gas adsorption data for various gases and adsorbents. 
• Corrosion Database: Corrosion rate data for metals and alloys also covering exposure conditions and environment. 
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Ultimo aggiornamento 12 Giugno 2024